- Your Trusted Party Wall Surveyors in London
The first step in The Party Wall Act 1996 process is a Party Wall Notice. If you plan to undergo construction work on your property that can or will affect your Party Wall or falls under the remit
of The Party Wall Act, you must notify your adjoining neighbours (Adjoining Owners) before the work starts. This is the official way to communicate your plans and intentions, and it provides
your neighbours with the opportunity to agree, object, or request amendments to the proposed work.
Below we have listed some examples on when a Party Wall Notice is necessary:
● Repairing, amending or demolishing part or all of the Party Wall.
● Building a new boundary wall on a boundary.
● Digging and excavating near a neighbour’s property.
Please liaise with one of our Party
Wall specialists for the exact distances and specifications of when this is required.
As the property owner and the person that is responsible for the proposed construction work on
the Party Wall, it is your responsibility to serve the Party Wall Notice as the Building Owner
intending to carry out proposed works. Once you have done this your neighbour has three
●Consent to the proposed work, allowing the project to start and work to be undertaken.
●Dissent to the proposed work, resulting in the need for a Party Wall Award (also known
as a Party Wall Agreement) to be issued.
●Not reply. If your neighbour does not respond in 14 days, then the law considers this a
dispute to the work and so the process to resolve any issues begins.
Head Office:
Party Wall Guru Ltd
1st Floor, 107 George Lane
E18 1AN
CN: 13223751
Regulated by the RICS’
t: 020 8058 9883
e: surveyors@thepartywallguru.com
© 2022 Party Wall Guru Limited, all rights reserved. - Built By App MarketStore
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